So we are back and we have a whole new year in front
of us. We hope that everyone has had a nice Christmas holiday with family,
friends, food and laughs. Did Santa give you what you wished for? On KORI’s wish-list
for Santa you could find, among with other things:
- New happy customers
- Pocket money
- More friends
- A warm and long summer
- A motorcycle experience
- New stuff to put in our portfolio
- Fewer accidents
… and it seems like KORI was quite nice last year because
many things went from the wish-list to reality... though we have a few notes on
the list that we still wished that Santa would have put in his sack (a warm and
long summer for example), we'll keep them for next Christmas!
So to start up our wish-list for next year we’ll put..
- More happy customers
- New sports
- Pocket money
- A sunny and flowering spring
- A warm and long summer
- A beautiful and colorful autumn
- A white and sparkling winter
- More stuff to put in our portfolio
- A visit with a longer stay somewhere outside of Sweden
- Useful gadgets
- More safety equipment
- Fewer accidents
- More team members
- …
- ….
And more to come… so it is time so start showing
Santa that we will earn these gifts.
2013 here we come!